Photo By, Syl Lebar
Friday, December 5, 2008
Herpes Inducing Foods
Treating Herpes Naturally
The Feeling full and Energized Supplement, Chromium
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Healing Depression Naturally
One way to do this is to follow the blood type diet. Why do I say this? I say this because, it is a low lectin diet. Lectins that react with your biochemistry in undesirable ways cause inflammation and deterioration in the colon. If you follow the blood type diet, and get on a diet that is compatable with your colon it can rejuvenate and heal your colon, thus making you feel more happy.
If you are already following the blood type diet and you are still not feeling the best you can feel, try eliminating gluten from you diet. Your blood type diet plan may not suggest this, but, you may also be gluten sensitive. This is one of the only flaws that I have found with this diet. But, it was picked up by Dr. D'Adamo (the creator of the blood type diet) when I went to visit him in person. Since, not everybody can visit Dr. D'Adamo in person, to get a more personalized diet plan, just experiment.
One indication of having a gluten intolerance, if having a more lines on the palms of your hands than people around you. The more lines you have on your palms the worse the integrity of your colon. This is something I discovered by going to Dr. D'Adamo's Clinic and also by studying the blood type diet myself, and becoming a practitioner. So, gluten may be causing inflammation and degradation in your colon, if you have a lot of lines on the palms of your hands.
Depression can also be caused from emotional causes, as well, as physical. If you are surrounding yourself with people and making life choices that don't support your soul's purpose or mission...you may start to feel depressed. You may feel like the universe is not supporting you and helping you on your path to happiness. Well, this is easy to change. Start looking at the life choices you are making and change the ones that surround you with these people or these events, as an after effect.
Say "NO" to Sugar!
The IBS Experiment
Get off dairy
Get off sugar
Get more sleep!!!
Herpes and Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue
My Infectious disease doctor just put me on, what she deemed to be a far less toxic antiviral (after telling her I still have antibodies toward HHV-6, which is different than genital herpes and cold sores) called, Symmetrel. So far, it is really helping with my fatigue. It may however be disturbing my sleep.
Herpes may be an associated cause of fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. If you have herpes and consistently get out breaks, get treated. The stress that your body is going through to fight this virus could be lifted, thus releasing energy in your body for your healing. Valtrex is used to treat herpes. And, Valcyte is a new medication that is now being used in Fibromyalgia and Fatigue treatment centers.
If you get the sleep that your body needs...you can actually have energy. Yes! It is possible to have energy and feel good even if you have Fibromyalgia or Chronic Fatigue. It may take years before you get to this point (like it took for me). But, it is possible to accomplish. When I was sick at first, I had to sleep ALL DAY. Now my sleep needs vary. Some days I sleep 9 hours. Some days I sleep 12 hours. It all depends on how I feel that day or week. And, the aches and pains and other symptoms associate with Fibro and CFS get better with the more amount of sleep that I get.
Blood Type Diet
Monday, December 1, 2008
Daily Law of Attraction Quotation
--- Abraham
Excerpted from http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Prayer: Thoughts from A Course in Miracles
"Prayer is the greatest gift with which God blessed His Son at his creation." (Song of Prayer p.1)
It is the way by which we leave our separate goals and interests and realize our oneness with God. It is a reconnecting with God's gifts to us.
Prayer is a release:
"Prayer is a stepping aside, a letting go, a quiet time of listening and loving." (SP p.2)
Through prayer we release the needs we think we have into the loving Hands of God, so that He can show us the answer that is already present. It becomes a time of renewal and awareness. It is in those quiet times when God's answers and insights come to us. Prayer becomes a way of pausing from the fears, judgments and worries of the world that block us from our answers so that love and forgiveness can show us a new perspective.
Prayer is a recognition:
Prayer is a means for making a shift in our perception, for changing our minds about our situation, rather than changing the situation.
"It [prayer] is the medium of miracles . . . the only meaningful prayer is for forgiveness . . . Prayer for forgiveness is nothing more than a request that you may be able to recognize what you already have." (T p.45)
Prayer realigns us:
Prayer puts us "back on track." Through those quiet times of joining with our Source, we are reminded of the peace and serenity that are our true inheritance. That "you yourself are a miracle of God." (T p.45) And as God's miracle, nothing is impossible for you to face and work through.
Prayer is a willingness:
Through prayer, we can give our "little willingness" to the Holy Spirit and ask how to express our healed perception in the world: what to say, what to do, etc.
"There are decisions to make here [in the world], and they must be made whether they be illusions or not." (SP p.2)
Our goal is not to make the problems we experience "real," but to be willing to look at the problem and let go of your goal or outcome and ask only for God's Answer of love to guide us.
Praying for others:
In praying for others, we are not asked to solve their problems or mediate between them and God.
"But it [praying for others] does mean that another stands beside you and helps to raise you up to God." (SP p.2)
Since "prayer is always for yourself," (SP p.5) praying for others becomes a way of strengthening your own faith. As you reach out to others in loving support, you can't help but heal issues in your own life, for by offering love to others, you automatically receive! Now you realize there is no difference between the healing of your life and another's, for they are both the same. And this is the prayer we offer to all who join with us:
"I cannot go without you, for you are a part of me." (SP p.8)
Prayer works:
As we truly understand and practice together the power of prayer, we recognize that our prayers are answered as we extend our love. When we recognize the Holy Spirit's presence in all people and situations, His answer to our needs is given us, for we are offering our willingness and asking for nothing else but healing. Prayer then becomes not a thing we do in our rooms at night with hands folded, beseeching God to meet our needs, but a blessing of love we offer to every event and person who comes our way day by day, moment by moment. Prayer works, for the Christ is recognized!
Excerpted from: